WOLTE15 Special Issue

WOLTE-15 presenters have the opportunity, in addition to a short paper in the Proceedings of the workshop, to submit an expanded version of their work with substantially more material/results to either the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity or the IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering following the Workshop. Special issue submissions will be accepted for special issue consideration until July 15, 2022. Details for each journal follow.

IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity (TAS)

The IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (TAS) is a hybrid journal where the authors have the choice of submitting a regular paper (free of charge) or an Open Access paper. There is a charge (Article Processing Charge – APC) for making an article Open Access. Details are at the TAS website (https://ieeecsc.org/publication/ieee-tas).

If a sufficient number of WOLTE-15 submissions are realized, the articles will be collected in a “Special Issue” of TAS. The submission has to fit within the field-of-interest of TAS and will be peer-reviewed according to the usual high standards of TAS.

Please click here to download the submission template. 

Final Papers can be submitted from 9 June through 15 July. This is a hard deadline

Your paper must be submitted to the Wolte-15 Special Issues in the first step of  the submission process. 

To submit your final paper click here

IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering (TQE)

WOLTE-15 presenters whose topic fits within the field-of-interest of the IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering (TQE), a Gold Open Access journal, have the opportunity to submit a paper to TQE. The collection of TQE papers from WOLTE-15 will be appropriately tagged to represent a “special section” of TQE related to the workshop. The submissions must contain substantially more material than a Proceedings version that would have been submitted to WOLTE-15 and will undergo the rigorous peer review established for TQE by its Editor-in-Chief, Steering Committee, and Associate Editors.


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